Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Definition please...

I know this is supposed to be a "Wordless Wednesday" post, but I couldn't resist saying something. I learned something today. Imagine that... the teacher learning something! I think it happens every day whether I realize it or not. Today I was introduced to a new term. It's BHAG. Maybe some of you smart people out there actually know what it means, but I had never heard it before. Yes, it's very easy to find the definition on Google, but work with me here. Take a couple minutes to think of a definition. It's an acrostic, so here's an example. YMCA=Young Men's Christian Association.

What does BHAG mean? Yes, after you write a comment with your definition, you can look it up on Google. :)


A day in the Life... said...

OK The first thing that came to my mind was Big Hot Aged Goats.

LOL it really was I swear

erin said...

big headed average girl

boy... i must have di inside my head!

erin said...

ok... how in the world did you come across this? i have a bhag for my house. but i don't think it will EVER happen!

wv: pranda
definition: a stuffed bear made by prada. it's to die for. seriously.

Jess(ica) said...

I have no idea. So I am goin to just google it. I'm lame; I know.