Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's a First...

That's right. I have not broken a bone in my life. Well, until now. I tend to prefer muscles and tendons, as you can read about here.

Of course there's a little disappointment that the story doesn't include something more exciting... a courageous rescue, a struggle with the elements outside... anything.

Believe me, it was nothing like that.

I may just leave it up to your imagination to create a story in your mind. It would definitely be more interesting that what actually happened! And maybe someday I'll tell you "the rest of the story."


erin said...

OH NO! it doesn't have anything to do with your alarm clock does it? you know, the one that used to be mine?!?!? :-)

Unknown said...

Broken toes go great with preschoolers, right???

A day in the Life... said...

You poor thing!