Yes, summer is here, and I'm "working" at school. Actually I'm getting a few things organized for the homeschool part of my job that I'm taking on this fall. But, I decided it was time for a break. And since I don't have a comfy sofa to relax on, what better way to relax than write a blog post!
All the rain we've had the past couple of days has made me think about camping. Not because I would like to be camping in the rain.... it's just that we usually have rainy weather when we are camping. When such weather occurs, we usually find ourselves spending time in the screen tent, playing games for hours and hours. Our games of choice? Well, we have several. Various card games, Farkle, Scattegories, and Upwords to name a few. A new game my sister Erin discovered a couple years ago has also become a favorite. It's called Ticket to Ride. We've spent many hours enjoying this game and my sister Becky even dreamed up some alterations to the game.
Several months ago, I received an email from Ashley at CSN stores asking if I'd like to do a review of one of their products. I'm embarrassed to tell you that it was a looooong time ago. And yes, I'm finally getting around to writing this post. After searching through a lot of their products, I decided it would be so much fun to introduce a new game at McCarthy Beach Camping 2010. So... keep your eyes open for a review coming sometime soon (you can determine what "soon" means) for this product. I can't wait to try it! I would say "hold your breath for a review coming soon," but I don't want to be responsible for injuries caused by my tardiness!
yea!!! a new camping game!!
i'm sure it will be fun! (should i bring our switzerland edition? we still haven't even played that one!
I am still holding my breath! ;)
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